Their latest release is Capturing Karma, available from The Wild Rose Press in paperback and ebook. Readers can also find Capturing Karma at Barnes and Noble and on Amazon.
KM Daughters will be giving away an autographed copy of Against Doctor's Orders, the first book in the award-winning Sullivan Boys Series to one randomly drawn commenter along their blog tour.

Veterinarian Matty Connors’ visions lead her to homicide detective Brian Sullivan once again despite her resolve to remain anonymous the past four years. Her official work with the police in California resulted in the brutal murder of her fiancĂ©, and since, a recurrent nightmare she barely survives. Brian, the reputed ladies man of the Sullivan family, has yet to give his heart to a woman until Matty lays claim to it. His black-and-white approach to solving crimes doesn’t jibe with Matty’s spooky pronouncements or her reputation for alleged infallibility. A wild goose chase searching for a murder weapon casts doubt on Matty’s “truths” and threatens their smoldering romance. Is Brian her nightmare slayer and ultimate truth? When the puzzle pieces fall in place for Brian, will it be too late to save Matty?
And here's an excerpt:
“Hi, Brian,” she responded, tamping down the temptation to hug him hello. “How’s the new baby doing?”
“Great, thanks. How’s that bump on your head?”
Matilda touched an edge of one of the butterfly strips over her eyebrow. “Turning every color of the rainbow, but it’s fine.”
He swiveled his head toward the throaty bark of the wolfhound in the corner of the room, then scanned the other occupants in the lounge: primate, feline, porcine, wolfish and human. “Steve told me you’re a great vet. Looks like you’re pretty swamped here.”
“Shamus and I split the patient load,” she said.
“And Shamus is?”
“My brother. He came for me at the hospital yesterday?”
Brian’s eyes bored into her, a sexy smile twitched the corner of his lips. “Good.”
“And ‘good’ means?”
“The big guy isn’t competition. That’s good.”
“Ah. So we’re clear. What competition would that be?”
The sexy smile twitched again. “For but a smile from sweet Matty,” he lilted in an Irish brogue.
Squelching an impulse to grin, she molded her face serious and parroted a brogue, “Ah but woe to the knave who plies smiles with an untrue heart.”
She grinned now. “What can I do for you, Brian? Did you get an estimate to repair your car?”
“It’s about that letter you brought me. It’s related to a case. We need your help.”
Of course. “I gave you the letter. You know as much as I do.” Her heart hammered, nothing to do with the pulse acceleration from earlier flirtation. I can’t go further with this case. No matter what, I have to stay anonymous.
Our First Reader
We anticipated the release of our first book in the summer of 2008. Imagine our excitement, joy, and yes, anxiety about the next step after publishing. Will we reach Readers? If they take a chance on unknown authors, will they enjoy our voice, be touched by our words and happily travel our story’s journey?
A few days after the magical release date, Pat’s husband, borrowed her car, license plate KM DAUTR, to drive to church services. After church a woman approached him and asked, “Are you K.M. Daughters?”
He explained that his wife and sister-in-law, Kathie, write under the penname. The lady further inquired how she might purchase our new book. Turns out, the lady, Rosemary Kaenel, is a fellow Wild Rose Press author (Last Rose of Summer, Rosette, “It’s Called Love”) and her interest struck us as heaven sent.
That book features Marian apparitions, and the rose is associated with visions of the mother of God, her favorite flower – a pivotal reason for our submission to The Wild ROSE Press after we completed the manuscript. A lady named “Rose” “Mary” wanted to buy this book? Pat couldn’t deliver it to her fast enough.
An instant connection occurred with Rosemary. She’s a lovely woman - interesting, interested, engaging, gracious and quietly, deeply religious. Pat produced the autographed book for her, our first sale, our first official Reader! When she had finished reading it she took the time to send an email to tell us stating that she loved the book, and why. Such a precious gift.
But, there’s more! A few months later, Pat received another email from Rosemary requesting Pat to call a local bookstore right away. Rosemary had just visited the store, and she influenced the owner to host a signing for K.M. Daughters! We made the arrangements and on a bitter cold January day (in Chicago environs, cold is bitter cold) we sold enough copies that the store invites us back with each new release!
Rosemary attended that first signing and gave us another gift: the chance to hug her for her lovely good deed. We found a Reader, or should we say, she found us - and we gained a dear friend.

Goddess Fish Promotions
Good morning Kate. Thank you for hosting us today. Dreary in Chicago with light snow and Kathie reports it's dreary in NJ with light snow, too. Where is Spring?
Unfortunately, the groundhog was correct - no spring yet! Welcome to the Susquehanna Writers, KM. Thanks for being our guest today. Capturing Karma sounds like a great read.
Welcome to SW. So good to meet you both.
And another welcome! So glad you came to visit and share your writings with us.
Hi again Cate - sorry for misspelling! Darn keyboard! Hi Jon & Lori - we're honored you came to visit. If you have the chance to sample our series, hope you enjoy! Blessings! Pat & Kathie
What a fun story. Maybe I need to change my license plates!
What a great true story. I have to say I could never collaborate with any of my four sisters though I love them dearly. How did your partnership come about?
Fabulous story behind the story! Wow. Yes I believe in signs and this is really interesting.
Great Blurb. My sisters are my first critics and editors. I believe in signs, even the ones that say "Stop," "Yield," and "Train Crossing." I have "signs" that leave me shivering.
You never know, Debra! I say use any and all available means. :)
Gives you the shivers, doesn't it Beth? Thanks for stopping by!
Too funny, PL. :)
KM, no worries.
Glad to have you as a guest!
Wishing you the best with Capturing Karma.
Thanks Jon, Susan and Lori too!
Hello all! What a fun tour stop. When driving with my KM DAUTR license plate I'm so tempted to plaster a bumper sticker on the car that says HONK IF YOU LOVE THE SULLIVAN BOYS! Best to all! And as always - Blessings!
We just take awhile to warm up, KM! A bumper sticker's a great idea. :)
CAPTURING KARMA sounds very intriguing. I believe in signs. The trouble is determining which are genuine and which are coincidences.
Absolutely, Caroline. We tend to start with the premise that there are no coincidences and go from there. Isn't hindsight amazing? Looking back it's so much easier to intuit the "reason" things happen or why certain people enter our lives.
Chiming in a little late here, but I thoroughly enjoyed the post. And I, too, believe there are no coincidences. Everything that happens is for a reason, so I'm always looking for hidden meanings. And I usually always find them.
Glad yours worked out so well... And congrats on the release!
Great interview, Cathy!
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