When I finished Casting the First Stone, I thought I was finished with those characters. I'd told their story, and though their lives went on, I wasn't planning on sharing any more about them. They could live happily ever after...off-screen.
My readers had other ideas.
The first couple of times someone asked if I was writing a sequel, I laughed. After the next couple of times, it got less funny, until finally, I responded, "Well, now I am!"
And I'm so glad I did. We writers get attached to our characters, and it really does require very little to convince us (well, me, anyway) to tell you more about them.
Now, a few people have asked me about a third book.
I'm not even going to pretend I'm not interested.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Monday, September 28, 2015
Brewing up a special treat for you!
October's going to be extra sweet again this year! I'm holding my annual Halloween bash on my blog at catemasters.blogspot.com,
and you're invited. There'll be plenty of goodies for everyone - tasty
recipes, authors sharing chilling tales of spooky moments they can't
forget, and best of all, books.
Visit every day for new posts. Many authors are offering giveaways, so don't miss out.
And if you're an author and would like to participate, I still have a few dates open. Email me at cate.masters AT gmail.com and I'll set you up.
Visit every day for new posts. Many authors are offering giveaways, so don't miss out.
And if you're an author and would like to participate, I still have a few dates open. Email me at cate.masters AT gmail.com and I'll set you up.
Friday, September 18, 2015
The importance of research
I've said many times that I'm a research nut. When digging up
information for a story, I can get lost in the process. Only a small
amount of what I find actually makes it into the story, usually, but
that's okay. It still adds to the foundation. Because the last thing you
want is a rocky foundation.
But stories aren't the only reason authors should research. After spending such a long time writing, revising, and polishing up the story, authors should put every bit as much effort into researching publishers before submitting.
2008 was a crazy year for me. I'd amassed a backlog of stories I'd written over many years. Some, I'd subbed to literary magazines and was elated when they were published.
Then, one of my critique partners at the time suggested I try an online publisher. At that time, e-presses were fairly new, or at least unknown to me. So I began browsing, and targeted a few publishers, depending on their submission guidelines, because a few stories were paranormal, speculative and mainstream, and a few were romance.
With so many stories already written, I subbed quite a few. And was over the moon when I had about 14 acceptances. Needless to say, 2009 was a crazy year with whirlwind promo.
Fast forward to 2015, when the contracts have reached their term. Many of the publishers I've worked with since those early times have been wonderful -- The Wild Rose Press, Wild Child/Freya's, Lyrical Press have all been more than professional and generous. Since signing with Decadent Publishing, they've been amazingly professional, friendly and helpful, going above and beyond what other pubs do.
Another publisher, not so much. Beginning in about March of this year, I began emailing them regarding the rights for two stories. The contracts for both expired in July and August, and I wanted them back. Except for one, the email addresses listed on their web site are all invalid, so I tried sending tweets inquiring about who to contact, and had my virtual fingers slapped.
The female publisher is a "friend" on Facebook, so I messaged her several times. No response.
Frustrated, I resorted to the certified letter. When the USPS tracking site confirmed the letter had been claimed from the PO box, I did a screen shot and sent that through FB to the publisher.
No response.
One editor actually answered me, but said she couldn't help.
So I tried the publicity person. She said rights reversions were done in batches, and was sure mine would be included in the next batch. That was Sept. 2.
As of today, my author page is still up and Eternal Press is still selling my books through their site and through affiliate sites such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc. Worse, recently both books have had sales.
I appear to be stuck in this rights limbo. According to Writer Beware, there aren't a lot of options unless I choose to file a legal suit. At this time, I'm still hoping to avoid any ugliness, though it wouldn't be the first time this publisher had encountered legal difficulties. One author was slapped with ridiculous "kill" fees for contract termination after requesting a change in the book cover. Writer Beware listed other problems in this post.
I did, however, file a complaint with Preditors and Editors. Wish I'd checked there to begin with - Eternal Press is listed as Not Recommended. I second that.
The takeaway is this - do your research. There are plenty of resources online to guide you. Here's one with a fantastic list of links. Check it out before signing any contract, and always, always read through every line of a contract before agreeing to the terms. If it doesn't feel right, don't sign. There are plenty of great publishers out there, so just keep looking.
But stories aren't the only reason authors should research. After spending such a long time writing, revising, and polishing up the story, authors should put every bit as much effort into researching publishers before submitting.
2008 was a crazy year for me. I'd amassed a backlog of stories I'd written over many years. Some, I'd subbed to literary magazines and was elated when they were published.
Then, one of my critique partners at the time suggested I try an online publisher. At that time, e-presses were fairly new, or at least unknown to me. So I began browsing, and targeted a few publishers, depending on their submission guidelines, because a few stories were paranormal, speculative and mainstream, and a few were romance.
With so many stories already written, I subbed quite a few. And was over the moon when I had about 14 acceptances. Needless to say, 2009 was a crazy year with whirlwind promo.
Fast forward to 2015, when the contracts have reached their term. Many of the publishers I've worked with since those early times have been wonderful -- The Wild Rose Press, Wild Child/Freya's, Lyrical Press have all been more than professional and generous. Since signing with Decadent Publishing, they've been amazingly professional, friendly and helpful, going above and beyond what other pubs do.
Another publisher, not so much. Beginning in about March of this year, I began emailing them regarding the rights for two stories. The contracts for both expired in July and August, and I wanted them back. Except for one, the email addresses listed on their web site are all invalid, so I tried sending tweets inquiring about who to contact, and had my virtual fingers slapped.
The female publisher is a "friend" on Facebook, so I messaged her several times. No response.
Frustrated, I resorted to the certified letter. When the USPS tracking site confirmed the letter had been claimed from the PO box, I did a screen shot and sent that through FB to the publisher.
No response.
One editor actually answered me, but said she couldn't help.
So I tried the publicity person. She said rights reversions were done in batches, and was sure mine would be included in the next batch. That was Sept. 2.
As of today, my author page is still up and Eternal Press is still selling my books through their site and through affiliate sites such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc. Worse, recently both books have had sales.
I appear to be stuck in this rights limbo. According to Writer Beware, there aren't a lot of options unless I choose to file a legal suit. At this time, I'm still hoping to avoid any ugliness, though it wouldn't be the first time this publisher had encountered legal difficulties. One author was slapped with ridiculous "kill" fees for contract termination after requesting a change in the book cover. Writer Beware listed other problems in this post.
I did, however, file a complaint with Preditors and Editors. Wish I'd checked there to begin with - Eternal Press is listed as Not Recommended. I second that.
The takeaway is this - do your research. There are plenty of resources online to guide you. Here's one with a fantastic list of links. Check it out before signing any contract, and always, always read through every line of a contract before agreeing to the terms. If it doesn't feel right, don't sign. There are plenty of great publishers out there, so just keep looking.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
The summer of yes
was out and about, and a window ad with this little saying hit me. What
a great idea! I can't remember the store (so please don't sue me), but
the ad inspired me. I'm going to make this a summer of yes.
I can't work on my stories as much as I'd like, but I *will* work on them.
I'm actually not falling too far behind. Next month, the rights to Death Is A Bitch will return to me, and I've been gearing up for that. I've made this new cover, which I'm pretty happy with.
And I've taken the story from 33k to 48k - 15,000 words of greater detail and depth and "feels." I'm really excited about it! I can't wait to re-release it, though I'll have to wait a few months.
In the meantime, I've started work on my first steampunk. I hesitated before because I hadn't read any stories, only seen amazing movies like The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen or Wild, Wild West or Sherlock Holmes or Around the World in 80 Days (if you've never seen the last movie, it's a very fun flick, and Jackie Chan is always amazing to watch. YouTube has the entire movie online:
I've been reading up on steampunk, and have a better sense of the worldbuilding that's needed. The actual story's about 2k as of yesterday, but the background work is pretty well fleshed out, and that's every bit as important.
So, I'm making the most of the time with my grandboys, and making the most of whatever writing time I can squeeze in.
How's your summer so far?
I can't work on my stories as much as I'd like, but I *will* work on them.
I'm actually not falling too far behind. Next month, the rights to Death Is A Bitch will return to me, and I've been gearing up for that. I've made this new cover, which I'm pretty happy with.
And I've taken the story from 33k to 48k - 15,000 words of greater detail and depth and "feels." I'm really excited about it! I can't wait to re-release it, though I'll have to wait a few months.
In the meantime, I've started work on my first steampunk. I hesitated before because I hadn't read any stories, only seen amazing movies like The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen or Wild, Wild West or Sherlock Holmes or Around the World in 80 Days (if you've never seen the last movie, it's a very fun flick, and Jackie Chan is always amazing to watch. YouTube has the entire movie online:
I've been reading up on steampunk, and have a better sense of the worldbuilding that's needed. The actual story's about 2k as of yesterday, but the background work is pretty well fleshed out, and that's every bit as important.
So, I'm making the most of the time with my grandboys, and making the most of whatever writing time I can squeeze in.
How's your summer so far?
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Looking for Romance?
I celebrated my novel's first birthday last month. It was a fun year, full of events and celebrations -- much more fanfare than I'd given either of my non-fiction books, which lived a quiet life tucked in the pages of catalogs geared to educators.
Typical of the youngest of the progeny, Casting the First Stone had gotten the most attention, and while it probably didn't know the difference, I'd gotten used to it. So what to do in year two?
Keep celebrating, of course! This Saturday, February 14, I'll be celebrating with 20 other writers (including fellow Susquehanna Writers bloggers Cate Masters and Susan Gourley/Kelley) at "Love is in the Air" at Aschcombe Farm and Greenhouse in Mechanicsburg. If there's anything better than a book celebration, it's a multi-author book celebration!
So if you're in the mood for a dose of romance or a dose of spring (or both), stop in between noon and three on Saturday. We'll have prizes and book swag and while we'll certainly have books on hand, we're also happy when you just stop by and talk to us.
Typical of the youngest of the progeny, Casting the First Stone had gotten the most attention, and while it probably didn't know the difference, I'd gotten used to it. So what to do in year two?
Keep celebrating, of course! This Saturday, February 14, I'll be celebrating with 20 other writers (including fellow Susquehanna Writers bloggers Cate Masters and Susan Gourley/Kelley) at "Love is in the Air" at Aschcombe Farm and Greenhouse in Mechanicsburg. If there's anything better than a book celebration, it's a multi-author book celebration!
So if you're in the mood for a dose of romance or a dose of spring (or both), stop in between noon and three on Saturday. We'll have prizes and book swag and while we'll certainly have books on hand, we're also happy when you just stop by and talk to us.
Monday, December 1, 2014
IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond
Is there anything better than a book filled with inspiration and wisdom about writing? Yes. A FREE book with contributions from more than 100 writers in all stages of their careers. Put together by the administrators of the IWSG blog hop, the IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond, if filled with everything that has to do with writing and publishing.
Tapping into the expertise of over a hundred talented authors from around the globe, The IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond contains something for every writer. Whether you are starting out and need tips on the craft of writing, looking for encouragement as an already established author, taking the plunge into self-publishing, or seeking innovative ways to market and promote your work, this guide is a useful tool. Compiled into three key areas of writing, publishing, and marketing, this valuable resource offers inspirational articles, helpful anecdotes, and excellent advice on dos and don'ts that we all wish we knew when we first started out on this writing journey.
The IWSG is the brainchild of Alex J. Cavanaugh. This amazing writers' group posts on the first Wednesday of every month for more than three years without fail. This year, Alex came up with the idea to put everyone's best advice together in this free guide. As one of the administrators of IWSG blog, I'm thrilled to have been part of this endeavor and proud of the finished product.
Even the most experienced writer can find something of value in this free book. I hope you'll check it out and perhaps add it on Goodreads.
Are you familiar with this group? Don't you love free books?
Susan Gourley is the author of two epic fantasy series and is a bestselling author of science fiction romance writing as Susan Kelley. Find her at Susan Says.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Disposing of Buried Treasure
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Maybe it's the piles of "collections" that are slowly taking over my house.
Yesterday, I spent a little time in my office, tackling a few of my "how long has that been there?" piles. I was thrilled to discover that a bin full of papers was not, after all, entirely full of disparate papers. A large chunk of the bin was occupied by various drafts of the manuscript for my first novel, published last January.
Suddenly, the time necessary for sorting and purging that bin was cut by two thirds; aside from the manuscript, there was only a handful of clipped articles to sort through. Success! Except...
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...what should I do with the copy store box full of my own words in various incarnations?
Option 1: It's paper, so it's recyclable.
Option 2: Though the finished product is intended for public consumption, the in-progress work was...not. Shred?
Option 3: Someday, I might be a world famous author, and this could be auctioned off, earning some money for my family (since I assume I'll be dead by then). Keep it.
While option 3 was easily dismissed, the first two options wrangled back and forth in my head.
What's an author to do with a box of blood, sweat and tears?
Had my husband not spent several hours clearing similar detritus from the basement, I'd have gone for Option 4: Stash it in the basement until you decide what to do with it.
As of this writing, the bin is gone, but the box still sits on the floor of my office, awaiting judgment. I shredded some late drafts yesterday afternoon, and it was pretty painless, so Option 2 is still a contender. The recycling gets picked up tomorrow, so theoretically, I can still exercise Option 1 and get the box out of there in the next 24 hours.
What do you think? Keep it? Toss it? Shred it?
Sentimental authors want to know.

Monday, October 13, 2014
Science Fiction and Romance
The past few years have seen a plethora of female writers moving into the forefront of the science fiction genre. There's been so controversy surrounding the trend. Many female writers have experienced the displeasure of male writers of the genre as the women invade a field they felt belonged exclusively to those with the Y chromosome. This is one link to reports of female writers having to fight a battle to be treated as equals in the science fiction field. Take note that the harassment comes from male writers and other industry professionals, not readers. There are many, many links on this issue if you want to read more.
I once dreamed of joining SFWA but no longer care if I can ever enter their exclusive club. Exclusion being a key descriptor. But I've had a number of science fiction romances and have received some great reviews from male readers. They appreciated the science and enjoyed the personal stories along with it. Women love science, too.
My latest science fiction romance is hitting the charts on Amazon as did my previous books. Check out The Warrior and The Biologist and support women writing science fiction. And that's an alien on the cover, not a terrorist!
Have you heard about the harassment of female science fiction writers? Do you prefer to read male or female authors or doesn't it matter?
I once dreamed of joining SFWA but no longer care if I can ever enter their exclusive club. Exclusion being a key descriptor. But I've had a number of science fiction romances and have received some great reviews from male readers. They appreciated the science and enjoyed the personal stories along with it. Women love science, too.
My latest science fiction romance is hitting the charts on Amazon as did my previous books. Check out The Warrior and The Biologist and support women writing science fiction. And that's an alien on the cover, not a terrorist!
Have you heard about the harassment of female science fiction writers? Do you prefer to read male or female authors or doesn't it matter?
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Feminist or goddess – why must women choose?
A funny thing happened during the release party for Goddess, Awakened. At first, we were having fun, discussing mythological goddesses and favorite authors and books.
Then someone asked if my book promoted feminism. The question confused
me at the time. Here was my answer:
“Not at all. The theme encourages women to empower themselves by accepting who they truly are and strengthening their unique talents. All things positive.”
Maybe I should explain why I began writing this series, The Goddess
Connection, which will all be paranormals/fantasies based in mythology, all
stand-alones, each based on a different goddess.
I love empowering women. Celebrating their uniqueness. Each of us have
talents or skills we might view as quirks, and maybe we even dislike ourselves
because of them. Or maybe we simply ignore them to fit into a more standardized
life where we go through the motions but don’t really feel fulfilled.
In each of these books, the heroine will have lifelong quirks that she
sees as detrimental, but by the end, she’ll learn that these quirks are
actually strengths. They help define her as an individual, and that’s not a bad
So it saddened me that, when I read the answers to one of the questions
I posed at the party, “Do you think women should be treated like goddesses?”
and some said no. Some argued women shouldn’t be put on a pedestal – and I
“that’s definitely not the message I want to send. As I mentioned above, the idea is *not* to put women on a pedestal or treat them as divas, but to value who they are in all their flaws, unique beauty, and talents. The theme of the Goddess Connection is for women to nurture that in themselves, too, and not let others devalue us. I hope that makes sense.”
And then I saw this article on HuffPost: “Women Against Feminism is athing. And We’re Confused.”
I’m definitely confused too. Obviously, these young women have the
wrong idea about feminism. Maybe they picture a militant society where females
are barely distinguishable from males, some sci-fi interpretation that skews
the real meaning. To me, feminism honors the struggle and hardships women
endured to receive basic rights that should be afforded any human. To vote. To
have an education. To choose for themselves how to live their lives. To better
themselves in whatever way that appeals to them.
Lately, I’ve been seeing the term thrown around pretty freely, and it’s
disturbing. Another article claimed the Starz series based on Diana Gabaldon’s
work was the “feminist” answer to Game of Thrones. Why do journalists feel the
need to pit one show against another? One gender against another? (Yes, I know –
to boost ratings)
The HuffPost article put the question about a feminist label for my
books in perspective, and if someone asks again, I’ll have to better qualify my
Yes, to be a goddess means to embrace your best self. The only way to
do that is by freeing yourself from restraints, either from outside or
originating in yourself.
In my mind, the same definition applies to feminism.
And if you’re interested in The Goddess Connection, the first book is
now available from Kensington Publishing’s Lyrical Press imprint.
Goddess Connection, Book 1
romance novel
89,700 words
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Exploring the Feminine Heroic
I haven’t yet written
about Engaging the Feminine Heroic, the workshop I attended recently. This was intentional.
I find it somewhat difficult to describe in words, and I’m still processing all
that took place.
Dara Marks and Deb
Norton are an extraordinary team of teachers. They guided us on a journey not
only of writing but of interior exploration, into our darkest places where we
hold long-forgotten experiences and emotions. Our personal Underworld. A truly
transformational experience. It would have been a frightening place had we not
shared the experience. In a safe and sacred space, we supported and encouraged
one another and continue to do so.
I wish I could have tapped into the deep well of creativity within my psyche that some of the others reached. I have never been good at timed writing practice because frankly, I’m a slow study. Once I get an idea, I can run with it, but it takes me longer than most people. (I thought of a great one on the drive home.) The stories these women pulled from their personal experience and crafted into fiction were nothing short of astonishing. I felt like an amateur in their midst. I’m still in awe.
But now that I’ve learned some of the tricks of going deeper into characters, I will practice them and hopefully enrich my stories.
I have long had a few ideas about really strong feminine characters, but now feel better equipped to explore them. I’m also excited to have learned some details about Persephone I hadn’t known before. Someday I will incorporate them into the revised version of my Goddess Connection story related to Persephone.
If you don’t get the chance to take the workshop, I encourage you to read Dara Marks’ Inside Story.
You can also follow DebNorton on her Part Wild site. Check out the left side for specific writing posts, a virtual mine of writing richness.
I wish I could have tapped into the deep well of creativity within my psyche that some of the others reached. I have never been good at timed writing practice because frankly, I’m a slow study. Once I get an idea, I can run with it, but it takes me longer than most people. (I thought of a great one on the drive home.) The stories these women pulled from their personal experience and crafted into fiction were nothing short of astonishing. I felt like an amateur in their midst. I’m still in awe.
But now that I’ve learned some of the tricks of going deeper into characters, I will practice them and hopefully enrich my stories.
I have long had a few ideas about really strong feminine characters, but now feel better equipped to explore them. I’m also excited to have learned some details about Persephone I hadn’t known before. Someday I will incorporate them into the revised version of my Goddess Connection story related to Persephone.
If you don’t get the chance to take the workshop, I encourage you to read Dara Marks’ Inside Story.
You can also follow DebNorton on her Part Wild site. Check out the left side for specific writing posts, a virtual mine of writing richness.
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