Saturday is a landmark day for my writing career. I'm having my first solo book signing at one of the 'big' chain stores. Barnes and Noble in Camp Hill, PA will host me for the signing of my first fantasy novel, The Keepers of Sulbreth. This epic tale of sword and sorcery is the first in The Futhark Chronicles. I'm hoping for a great turnout on Saturday so the store will ask me back for the next three books in the series and any following those.
I've supported fellow authors at signings in various venues but never one in this particular store. The store has been wonderful. They've had a poster near the front door for nearly three weeks and have the event on their website. I have my pens ready, my bottle of water and a pack of mints. I'm going to avoid the morning coffee so I don't have to run to the restroom and I doubt my nerves will let me eat.
I've spoken with enough authors to know book signings can range from beyond the dream to a complete bust. I'll be thrilled with something in between those two. If half the people show up who have promised to do so, I'll be a very happy writer on Saturday night.
If you're in the area, I'll be pacing around the signing table from 2:00 to 4:00 pm on Saturday, February 13th. Follow the link for directions and more information.
Hope to see some of you tomorrow.
Very exciting, Susan! I'll be there.
Thank you. It's such a busy store I have some high hopes.
How did the signing go?
P.S.: I love the cover art.
Hope it went well, Susan!
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